Top 10 Books About the West

There’s nothing quite like curling up with a good book on a cozy, winter day. With the holidays behind us and a new year ahead, make a little time for yourself to unwind and regroup. Tales of the west are a good place to start. These books are often steeped in history, adventure and intrigue. Here, we turned to Goodreads, the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations, for its top five fiction and non-fiction picks. Top Five inRead more

Why is Service Important?

For most, service provides a sense of purpose and pride. It can also teach people lessons that they may not otherwise learn. For example, service helps followers to be leaders; it fosters compassion and selflessness; and provides people with the ability to better understand the needs of others, among many other benefits. So, it’s likely no coincidence that here at Burns our number one core value is “We are service oriented.” Burns takes its service seriously and does its bestRead more